About Us

Lesley Doig

Hello, My name is Lesley and I am a mum of 2 crazy boys!

I first started my perinatal education journey back in 2020 but my journey truly started in 2017 after the birth of my first son. I started to volunteer with Walk Forth Bumps & Babies (trading under a different name back then!) and then volunteered with the Forth Valley Breastfeeding Network in 2019. During this time, I became fascinated with the amount of information out there about birthing, breastfeeding and all things baby!

In 2021 during the COVID pandemic, and whilst on maternity with my second child, I started my year long training with The Daisy Foundation to become a perinatal educator. During this time I learnt so much more information and couldn’t wait to start sharing it all with my community! I started teaching my very own Daisy classes in 2022.

Roll on April 2023 and the announcement was made to us teachers, that The Daisy Foundation would be ceasing trading as of the end of August. I decided at this point that creating my own business was right for me and was excited at the prospect of growing and creating a brand of my own.

And so NURTURING FLOWS was born!

I am very excited to continue to grow my business as the years go on, and start growing our very own community of parents and families!

One thing that I am very keen to do is get as much information as I can, to individuals for free. This is why my blogs are so important to me to create.The other thing I am looking into is funding so I can offer free or reduced cost places within my classes to those in our communities that need it. If the pandemic has taught us anything, it is how fragile our routines and expectations can actually be. It is heart wrenching to watch someone's life be turned upside down as circumstances change, and I don’t want that to stop members of our community from being able to access my classes! So watch this space!

I am very excited to be on this journey and I can’t wait to share it with you all!